送信失敗:Server UserID Mismatch

naoさん (2011-01-17 17:39:25) www.barpipal.jp/

ホームページ内でメールフォームCGI UTF-8版を使用させていただきたいのですが、郵便番号から住所検索がうまくいかないのと、送信をしてもServer UserID Mismatch(以下の内容)が出てしまいます。お手間をおかけしないよう掲示板のほうもチェックしたのですが原因が分からずで・・・。

CGIWrap Error: Server UserID Mismatch


The userid that the web server ran cgiwrap as does not match the userid that was configured into the cgiwrap executable. This is a configuration/setup problem with cgiwrap on this server. Please contact the server administrator.


Local Information and Documentation:

Contact Name: Administrator
Contact EMail: admin

Server Data:

Server Administrator/Contact: admin
Server Name: www.barpipal.jp
Server Port: 80
Server Protocol: HTTP/1.1
Virtual Host: www.barpipal.jp

Request Data:

User Agent/Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Request Method: POST
Remote Address:
Remote Port: 1505
Extra Path Info: /std6.3/mailform/send.cgi
Referring Page: www.barpipal.jp/std6.3/info.html
2 minutes ago · Edit Post · Delete Post.

Re:送信失敗:Server UserID Mismatch

和田 (2011-01-18 09:59:13) www.synck.com
